This time I will explain about the operating system-based text. Actual operating system-based text that is very tasty menggunakanya because text-based operating system is not easy troubleshooting and mengalammi insusceptible viruses. Therefore, I still The text-based operating system. Under this kind of operating system-based text
DOS stands for Disk Operating System. DOS refers to the device operating system used on many computers provide abstraksi and management of secondary storage devices and information. For example, the use of the file system that manages files in the storage device. DOS is usually run from a disc or two. This is because the DOS used in the media is very limited capacity (at most, probably only 1.4 Megabytes). There are many types of which Apple DOS DOS, Commodore DOS, Atari DOS, and others. This depends on the type computer device. Types of DOS is the most famous type of which run on DOS machines compatible with the IBM Personal Computer. To run the commands the operating system, DOS commands using text-based or CLI. Each time you finish typing a command, we must press ENTER to execute the command.
UNIX is the operating system was originally developed by a group at AT & T on laboatorium Bell. Unix widely used for both server and workstation. Linkungan Unix program model and client-server indicates that the more developed as a Unix operating system is strong
in the computer network of the operating system for personal computer.
UNIX is designed for portable, multi-tasking, and multi-user. Unix main concepts, among others, many using plain text files to store data, using a tiered system files, to treat the device as a file, and uses many small programs that execution on CLI
can be combined with a pipeline (|).
UNIX systems consist of several components that are usually dipaket together. Generally, the packages are as follows:
Kernel with the sub-components such as:
1.conf - the configuration file. - hardware drivers
3.sys - the operating system kernel, memory management, process scheduling, system calls, and others.
4.h - header files, defines the key structure in the system.
Development Environment: for C language - machine-language assembler
3.ld - linker, to merge the files object
4.lib - object-code libraries (installed in the folder / lib or / usr / lib) libc, the collection of libraries for the C language
5.make - program to compile program code
6.include - header files for software development and determine the standard interface
7.Other languages - programming languages such as Fortran-77, Free Pascal, and others.
Commands: - "Shell" to make programming based CLI or executing certain commands.
2.Utilities - a set of CLI commands that are useful for fungsifungsi the manifold, including:
- System utilities - programs for management systems such as mkfs, fsck, and others.
- User utilities - programs for pengelolan work environment, such as passwd, kill, and others.
3.Document formatting - Program for the preparation of documents such as nroff, troff, tbl, eqn, refer, and pic. Some modern Unix systems also include applications such as TeX and Ghostscript.
4.Graphics - modern Unix systems provide a X11 as a standard windowing system and GUI.
Microsoft Windows:
Micosoft Windows or the more frequently mentioned Windows only initially only add-on from MS-DOS because of the high demands on the operating system-based GUI. Early version of Windows running on top of MS-DOS. However the Windows version has shown some initial functions
found in common operating systems, including: executable file types have retired, have their own hardware drivers, and others.
The actual concept of Windows is more for personal computers. At the beginning of Windows also does not support the concept of multi-tasking and multi-user. Accommodation to the network or the functions of the client-server is also not as strong on the UNIX and turunannya. So that the problems that often appear in the Windows operating system are security problems associated with the network. However, Windows has the advantages of ease of use. On the latest version (Windows Seven) the concept of multiuser and multi-tasking has been the more mature. In addition, the view has changed with the GUI using a lot of three-dimensional effect.
Apple Mac OS:
Apple Mac OS is a derivative of UNIX through the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution). Therefore, the strength in multi-tasking, multi-user, networking in the UNIX also owned by the Mac OS. Mac OS is operating system-based GUI. Apple is a pioneer in the use of the GUI operating system. The use of icon, mouse, and some GUI components that are outside of
for normal development of the GUI-based operating system.
Early version of Mac OS is almost fully rely on the ability of its GUI and very restrict the use of CLI. Although very easy for some but there are weaknesses, among others:
multi-tasking is not perfect, the limited memory management, and conflict in some programs that ditanamkan. Improve the system Mac OS sometimes be a very tiring job.
On Mac OS X (latest version), all the weaknesses in the old version has been removed try. Multi-tasking has been running well and to the memory management is much better. In addition to its GUI display have been used as the best among the existing operating system.
Linux is very similar to UNIX systems, this is because of compatibility with UNIX is a primary design goal of the Linux project. Linux development started in 1991, when Finnish student named Linus Torvalds wrote Linux, a kernel for the 80386 processor, 32-bit processors in the first set of Intel CPU that is suitable for the PC. In many ways, the Linux kernel is the core of the Linux project, but lainlah components that make up a complete Linux operating system. Where
Linux kernel consists of code that is made specifically for the Linux project, most of the supporting software is not exclusive to Linux, but usually used in some operating systems like UNIX is. For example, the operating system from Berkeley BSD, X Window System from MIT, and the GNU Project's Free Software Foundation. The division (sharing) tools have been working in two directions. Main library system Linux was initially started by the GNU project, but improved through the development of library cooperation, especially in the Linux community pengalamatan, the efisienan, and bugs. Other components
such as the GNU C Compiler, gcc, the quality is high enough to be used directly in Linux. Tools under Linux network administration comes from the code developed for 4.3BSD, BSD, but later, one of FreeBSD, the borrowed code from Linux, for example, is the Intel math library floating-point emulation. Currently, Linux is an operating system that
most rapid development. The presence of several groups of developers, spread across the world, which is always to improve the feature, assist the progress Linux operating system. At the same time, many developers who are working to move applications to Linux (can run on Linux). The main problem faced is the first Linux interface in the form of text (text-based interface). This does not make people interested in using Linux as it should be first carefully to understand how to use (not user-friendly). But this situation has begun to change with KDE and GNOME. Both have the look that interesting so that the desktop change the perception of the world about Linux.
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